Fiction and Non-Fiction Books
for Sale or Trade
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Brotherhood of Evil
Frederic Sondern, Jr.
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The Luciano Story
Feder & Joesten
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Magic: Science of the Future
Joseph F. Goodavage
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Treat Yourself to a Better Sex Life
Gochros & Fisher
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Rhinoseros Success
Scott Alexander
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Man the Manipulator
Everett L. Shostrom
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The Man Who Invented
the Future: Jules Verne
Franz Dorn
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The Cosmic Connection
Carl Sagan
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Gods from outer space
Erich von Daniken
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Chariots of the Gods
Erich Von Daniken
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Here is an example of the stamps I
will trade for.

CDS are canceled date stamps where the cancellation stamp clearly
shows the day, month, year, and location where the stamp was canceled.

As you can see, the cds (circular date stamp) is readable in day, month, year, time, place. Not all countries include a time, so if no time is shown, it will still be accepted. Any cds in which you cannot read the place, day, month, year is of no use to me. Duplicated postage stamps are welcomed as long as the cancels are different. If I receive a cds that is not readable in any of the 4 items, it will not be considered as part of the trade and I will consider the stamp as a gift so make sure you can read the 4 items before including the stamp in a trade. Trading stamps will be on the Scotts 2013 catalog value of the postage stamp. Postage costs will be paid by each sender and not included as part of the trade. If at all possible I will try to trade stamps equal in issuing year. That is, if you want one of my stamps issued in 1908, then your cds should also be around the same time period. You can send me a list of my items you want to trade for, but include high resolution scans of your offerings (photos don't show accurate details), I retain the discretion of which of my stamps on your list will be traded.
My current wish list for trading